^ ^ ^ ^ /\/\OO/\/\ ASCII BAT AND STUFF PROUDLY PRESENT /\/\OO/\/\ vv vv dddd dddd dddd ttttt dddd ttttt dddd dddd ttttttttttttt uuuu uuuu rrr ddddddddddd ttttttttttttt uuuu uuuu rrrrrrrrrrr ddd dddd ttttt uuuu uuuu rrrrrrrrrrr ddd dddd ttttt uuuu uuuu rrrr rrr ddd dddd ttttt uuuu uuuu rrrr ddd dddd ttttt uuuu uuuu rrrr ddd dddd ttttt uuuu uuuu rrrr ddd dddd tttttt ttt uuuuuuuuuuuu rrrr ddddddddddddd ttttttttttt uuuuuuuuuuuu rrrr ddddd dddd THE UNDEAD RISE, DAMMIT! AN EZINE FOR ZOMBIES YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES!? THIS EDITION OF TURD IS NUMBERED DIFFERENTLY This is ASCII BAT with a short little list of questions that we'd probably get asked if we had some readers. Unfortunatley, many of those in the "current" electronic zine "scene" don't take us seriously enough to promote us as much as we'd like them to. I suppose I wouldn't blame them. Most people don't understand what TURD is unless they themselves are zombies. There are always exceptions to that rule, but we aren't going to take any chances. Watch for this file to be a "living" (hehe pun) file. There will be revisions when better questions and answers come about. YOU JUST STUMBLED ONTO THE TURD FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS!!! PREPARE TO BE AMAZED! Q: Who writes TURD? A: Currently, ASCII BAT, STUFF, and NOPOLIS. Q: Can I write for TURD? A: If you send us a submission. Mail it to turd@angstmonster.org Q: Does It have to be about zombies? A: Are you going to write about something else? Q: Can I still submit something if I don't considered myself a zombie? A: SURE! NOPOLIS is really a vampire!!! Q: Are you really zombies? A: I dunno, are you really a reader? Q: Can you ask questions as answers to questions being asked to you? A: SURE! It's our FAQ! Q: You spelled "damnit" wrong. A: Uh, no we didn't. (think of an old southern man cursing and add some pretend accents.) All the same, that's not a question. END OF TURD FAQ V.01 WRITTEN BY: ASCII BAT 12-21-02