.__ .___ |__| __| _/ _____ | | / __ | / \ | | / /_/ | | Y Y \ |__| \____ | |__|_| / \/ \/ iNTELLIGENT dANCE mONSTER We exist to save you from yourself and your sorry ass apathy \/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/ iSSUE: 3 x 0 11.13.03 "We want to do well while doing good." by gir \/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/ THE FOLLOWING RELEASE MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED RELATED TO SCIENCE FICTION OR MUSIC BY SOME FOLKS AND WOULD THUS BE STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS OF IDM'S ORIGINAL PURPOSES. HOWEVER, THE AUTHOR BELIEVES THAT THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE FOLLOWING RELEASE HAVE BEEN RAISED BY SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE AS LONG AS IT HAS BEEN AROUND. THE SYSTEM WILL BE BROUGHT UNDER EXAMINATION IF ONLY FOR A BRIEF AND ERRATIC MOMENT. STRANGE THINGS ARE GOING DOWN IN THE WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN AND IT IS OUR DUTY AS PEOPLE WHO GIVE A FUCK TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. AND IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING, ANGSTMONSTER IS NOT DEAD. THAT'S JUST A RUMOR PROPAGATED BY THE FORCES THAT BE WHO ARE TRYING TO STOP US FROM SPEAKING OUR MINDS. DON'T LET THEM CONFUSE YOU. IF YOU HAVE BEEN BITTEN, IT MAY ALREADY BE TOO LATE. On with the file... Lately, I have been noticing that there are certain connections in the world... The kind of things you only notice when you are really paranoid and listening for the shadows to start talking back, the way Philip K. Dick can drop a lifetime's worth of ideas in your lap in each chapter of any one of his books and still come out with more to get off of his chest. I am talking some deeply rooted in the fabric of society stuff. Lots of what I have been thinking about is still caught up in a pool of murkiness but there are more and more details shining through everyday that really mean something. What I am trying to say is "SOMEONE HELP ME! I'M A PRISONER OF THE COLLEGE INSTITUTION WHERE DAILY I AM SUBJECTED TO THE IDEAS AND OPINONS OF PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS WITH WHOM I DO NOT ALWAYS AGREE AND I AM REALLY SCARED!" To tell you the truth, I think some of my professors might actually lean to the left politically speaking, talking about how capitalism is a bad thing. At first I didn't want to believe it myself but then I got caught up in the study of groups of people, sociology and OH MAN MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME! What goes on in the sociology department here, it... it has to be some method of mind control. Ordinary everyday students who really do mean well are being brain washed to believe that not only has their country lied to them but that their formal public education is a sham! That's right. Last week my class was assigned to read an excerpt from "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" by James W. Lowen in which the author accused textbook authors of not only reusing one another's content but also denying and omitting certain moments in American history from their textbooks. I want to know what makes James W. Lowen think that he has the right to critique these textbooks that are used to sharpen the minds of tomorrows leaders. It is necessary in questionable times like these to remain critically of our surroundings but what good is going to come out of this, eh MISTER LOWEN? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT MAKING PEOPLE AWARE OF THE FUCKED UP SITUATIONS WE HAVE GOTTEN OURSELVES IN IS GOING TO MAKE THEM DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? PEOPLE ARE FUCKING HARD PRESSED TO MAKE RENT AND PAY OUTSTANDING DEBTS, CONCERNED WITH BUYING SHIT TO KEEP THEMSELVES HAPPY ABOUT A MISERABLE EXISTENCE AND YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT TEXTBOOKS? TEXTBOOKS THAT ARE PART OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF AMERICA, A PLACE I WOULD LIKE TO THINK REMAINS SACRED WHERE ELSEWHERE THERE IS SO MUCH CORRUPTION. WHAT DOES MISTER LOWEN HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT? HE DEDICATES A WHOLE CHAPTER IN HIS BOOK TO WHY TEXTBOOKS END UP THE WAY THEY ARE AND IT COMES AS NO SURPRISE THAT TO PUBLISHERS A SUCCESSFUL TEXTBOOK IS ONE THAT MAKES MONEY. The president of Random House publishing is quoted as saying "We want to do well while doing good," using a clever play on words to say "WE ONLY CARE ABOUT PROFIT! THAT'S RIGHT! PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT! I AM THE PRESIDENT OF A PUBLISHING COMPANY AND IN MY SPARE TIME I SWIM THROUGH A POOL OF MONEY I MADE BY PUTTING OUT TEXTBOOKS FULL OF ERRORS THE LIKES OF WHICH GET FED TO SCHOOL CHILDREN RESULTING IN LEGIONS OF YOUNG ADULTS WHO THINK HISTORY IS ONE OF THE MOST BORING SUBJECTS EVER AND DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHERE THEY CAME FROM! EXCUSE ME WHILE I ACCEPT THE AWARD FOR ACHIEVING THE AMERICAN DREAM..." So shocker number one in today's textfile: IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY! NO! He said he wants to make money while doing good for people, that's not too much to ask is it? That's the rub in our situation as American citizens, a lot of people would like to do good but most people refuse to get involved because there is no profit in doing good for someone else. Do good for yourself first and then if you have time in your busy schedule you might be able to squeeze some time in for someone else but if you can't that's alright because the holidays are coming up and you can always donate to the canned food drive and still be able to make time for work! Not only are you doing good efficiently but you are also doing so with a minimal impact on your overall net gain! AWESOME! Hold up? Just realize that you are reading another one of those overly critically rants from a typical college student who's read a few radical books and know he thinks suddenly that the world is going to change and by the new year everyone will be holding hands and there will be no more war or famine or plague or greedy business men ever! Know what? I have read a few books, but not just since I got to college. Reading is something I have always done and hopefully you too have been doing the same since you've learned to. Whatever it may be, get your hands on it and investigate what's going on in the world and what people have to say about it. Don't listen to them, do listen to them. It doesn't matter as long as you are going out there and spending some time maintaining and remaining in touch with reality. They'll be things to agree with and things to disagree with and interestingly enough, the more you read the more you will find that will not be so black and white, easy to solve. There are a lot of things that go down in our world that we cannot allow ourselves to write off as "good" or "bad." Both "good" and "bad" can be taken out of any picture, just think about what is going on. While reading excerpts of "Lies My Teacher Told Me" I started thinking about the nature of history in a classroom environment and I want all you crazy and daring readers to try and follow along with me. Ever since I have been involved in a history class it has always been about memorizing dates and names and places of various importance because these things mattered. Immediately, they mattered because we were to be tested on them but beyond that, is the way we are taught history really helping us? We need to know what has gone on before us and why that went down the way it did and where that puts us in the present BUT what if there was more theory involved in history? Much like a Computer Science student takes high level math classes to reinforce theory, shouldn't history be taught to us referencing specific events as examples and looking more at trends and themes that have followed us from the beginning? Don't most textbooks try to do that? But to do it without bias or a "centric" viewpoint, is that even possible? What kind of history book would that be? In asking questions like these I do not mean to attack yet another symptom of what is a much larger and much more fucked up situation than just what we are learning in school. But in what we learn in school there is a foundation for why the system is fucked up and how we can change it. They mean well to use lessons of independence and individualism to show how one person can make a difference but as many have pointed out the status quo falters in doing so by perpetuating the belief that it will be just ONE who makes the difference and that if a group of people dissatisfied with something try to change things they won't succeed unless they have a strong leader. I SAY FUCK A STRONG LEADER IN HIS EAR! THE POWER LIES IN THE PASSION SOMEONE HAS FOR SOMETHING AND LATELY IT SEEMS LIKE TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE A PASSION FOR PURSUING THE DOLLAR BILL. IT IS DEEPLY EMBEDDED IN OUR CULTURE AND IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING PEOPLE WILL SPEND LIFE TIMES FIGHTING AGAINST... But then again, maybe no one is interested in that. Why fight against the system when it's the reason we exist. They've already done so much for them, we should be grateful that we have such a great country... BE PROUD OF THE PAST BUT BE WARY. AMERICA HAS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT ON ITS HANDS. DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE PROUD OF THE VALUES OF DEMOCRACY AND A "FREE" NATION. Just know that not everything is how it seems and if you aren't too careful you'll wake up and realize all of this, everything you've fought for was just a dream within a dream within a simulation of someone else's memories that were recorded while you were there as a child. A endless mindfuck is knocking at your door, don't be afraid to answer it. <-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-> issue: 3x0 of iNTELLIGENT dANCE mONSTER released 11.13.03 <-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-> iNTELLIGENT dANCE mONSTER is the latest and greatest creature from gir. iT will never get soggy in milk and will probably give continual nods to the wonderful world of music that makes gir giddy like a school girl. aLSO be on the look out for science of the fiction variety to appear withing these virtual pages. dON'T worry though, angstmonster will make an eventual comeback. tHINKING about writing for idm? eMAIL gir [gir at angstmonster.org] with a marginally on topic submission (music and or science of a fictional variety) and you too shall see the glory of intelligence and dance in a tasty monster treat. gOT nothing to say? tHAT'S a-o-k! dIGGING on this release? fEEL free to pass it along to all of your friends. jUST make sure that you leave it as it was or at least give credit where credit is due. gET caught biting our styles unauthorizedly and we'll sneak up on you ninja style with DOOM! lOVE and kISSES, the iNTELLIGENT dANCE mONSTER crew. <-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-> find us online at http://www.angstmonster.org/txt/idm/ <-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|->